Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11/18/09 A Frosty Morning

Frost creating a dramatic effect here

Here are a few frost photos from about a week ago. This was a very frosty morning in this area thanks to clear skies and light winds temps plummeted as a cold front swept east. The temperature dropped from a high of 55-degrees F to a low of 27-degrees F by 6:00AM the next here. Most of the photos were shot with a macro-lens below...

Two seasons in one bout that?
Blades of tall-grass prairie looking as if
blasted them with ice crystals overnight
Really good stuff...A macro lens is pretty sweet to have on these occasions

I'm working on some more posts that I'll be getting on here as soon as the holidays roll around. This year I'll be adding a holiday post composed of Christmas lights, maybe attend a Christmas festival if I can find the time, and I'll even add a video too which I'm sure some will like...I'll just say Clark Griswold would be proud of my creation...