Friday, July 5, 2013

05/07/13 Spring: 2013

A stunning display from Mother Nature as spring begins in Peoria, IL

It has been quite a busy few months for myself with lots of traveling and storm chasing across the Great Plains. I haven't updated with any new posts on here for quite some time so I might as well start where I left off with some spring photos from a couple months ago. I spent some time again this spring at a local nursery in Peoria, IL. It's a favorite spot of mine every spring since it's within 15 minutes of my apartment and always provides some great spring colors. Almost all of the photos in this post I shot at Hoerr Nursery in Peoria, IL as well a local cemetery 10 minutes down the road. It's always great not having to travel far to snap some great photos. Usually, I can't say the same when I'm storm chasing since I'll drive hundreds of miles just to get a handful of decent pics. I've added a good handful of some of my favorite shots from this spring below:

A pretty cool shot here especially with the shadow (left)
just seemed to make this flower "pop"...
Amazing detail!
Once I saw the yellow painted 2x4 I could use
as a backdrop...well, the result speaks for itself...
"Walking between the raindrops with you"
Definitely a favorite of mine!
Late-evening sunset "lighting-up" the apartment complex...
(Canon 10-22mm wide-angle lens)
Evening convection along I-74 just before sunset!
(Canon 70-300mm telephoto-zoom lens)
A close-up of the apartment complex as I enjoy
the extra hours of daylight that spring brings...
Beautiful spring colors in this local cemetery!
Another magnificent display from Mother Nature
(Canon 60mm macro-lens)
And another...
(Canon 60mm macro-lens)
I always love this time of the year!
A simple change in your viewing-angle can really make a photo...
A stunning masterpiece on display from Mother Nature!
A little bit of a blurred background I thought
really made this photo!
Another good shot!
A wide assortment of colors here...
Heavy spring rains created this brilliant
reflection on a spring evening!
I've always wanted to catch "raindrops" at sunset and on this
evening I got exactly what I was looking for with perfect lighting...
 Everywhere you turn seemed a photo was in the making...
A nice arrangement here!
A close-up!
(Canon 60mm macro-lens)
Another shot of one of my favorites!
The colors really want to jump out of the picture here...
One of the most interesting color-displays from a
hibiscus plant that I've ever photographed!
Another shot of the spring blooms at the cemetery down the road...
This photo could of been even better if it had been a cloudy day!
 (Canon 60mm macro-lens)
Another awesome shot!
(Canon 60mm macro-lens)
Heck, why not throw a little pink into the mix of photos...
Tulips, I'm not sure why a couple were red in this bunch...
A stunning arrangement here as well!
A wind farm outside Galva, IL as I was tracking some elevated
convection trying to becoming surface-based at sunset...

That wraps up my spring photos for this year. The last few months have featured several trips to chase severe storms in the Great Plains and Midwest. I'm still hard at work on several posts that I'll be updating from my travels over the next few weeks as I get caught up. Stay tuned.