Sunday, June 24, 2012

06/02/12 Summer Vacation

Crossing the KS/NE state-line a few weeks ago
during my two-week vacation just south of Alma, NE...

During the May 28th-June 10th time-period I traveled across 9 states: IL, IA, NE, KS, OK, MO, SD, CO, WY during my two-week vacation. Along the way a shot a few random photos that I kept in a separate folder to post here on my blog. During this two-week period, I storm chased several days, visited the Badlands of South Dakota (future post), and visited Mount Rushmore as well. Anyhow, I threw a few random photos below on here that didn't really have a place in any previous post or future post. I've added a few of these photos below:

One of our goats posing for the camera...
 A thunderstorm in the local-area outside Neponset, IL!
 Some building cumulus above the Illinois landscape...
 A thunderstorm lingering overhead some
Illinois tall-grass prairie...
 Some interesting formations along this Kansas landscape!
 A pond in Nebraska with some of the
Sandhills (background) visible!
 A typical Kansas oil well...
 A hawk in-flight at my parent's house!
 A random shot here...
 One of our other goats enjoying a spring afternoon!

That's all for this post. Of course I'll be posting more in the coming week as I get caught up on some of my down-time. I only have something like a couple weeks worth of photos and video to get edited and posted at some point. Stay tuned.